baby walking
You will be amazed when your baby takes his first steps when he is one year old. Even if these steps are not steady, you will feel that you gave birth yesterday and you were lying next to him, this will make you feel happy. But these things are history for the baby and he does not mention any of them. He is only interested in the work that you are doing now, such as: dish washing, cleaning the room, or having the bottles ready. He will be interested in what his father is doing, such as: reading the newspaper or helping the mother. Babies try to imitate what their parents are doing and at the same time try to learn good habits, ethics and behaviors.
How does your child grow?
Though crying is still the most powerful form of communication that your child can do, he also develops a sense of humor. He may laugh of pleasant surprises, such as showing your face from under a blanket or a sudden presence of a game out of the box. Encourage your child's laughter and smiles by facial movements. Children enjoy listening to a variety of sounds. It does not require special toys or equipment to produce these sounds. Simply whistle or imitate the sound of an animal - your child will love this play!
How can I protect my child?
First, you have to take caution. Assume that all cleaning materials, materials used in workshops and the garage, and makeups are hazardous materials. Assign a locker for medicines and provide it with a lock, and put them in a place far from the reach of your child. Put all suspicious materials in the closet or the garage. Do not keep any drugs in the room in order to remember to take it, but you may write a reminder on a piece of paper. Do not carry drugs in your bag and do not let your child play with empty medicine cans. He will learn how to open these cans even if they are designed in a way which is difficult for the child to open. Here are some other things you can do: When you are on holiday and you are staying outside your home, always remember to pay attention to existing drugs at home, their types and other materials that may be hazardous. It may not have come to the owners’ attention of these risks because they do not have children who are crawling or curious to explore. Be systematic in organizing every room in the house and pay attention to hazardous materials that may exist. Sort each household harmful lotions, mark them and put them away from the reach of children. Do not forget the intuitive things. While there are a large number of toxic substances in the outside, however, common and available materials are responsible of most cases of poisoning. Here's a list of dangerous things for children under six years of age. 1-Household cleaning materials. Assume they are all dangerous. Your list must include cleaner water drains, gas and bathroom cleaner, rust remover, etc. The list is long, so, it is best that all of these materials are be taken away from the reach of your child. Even if they did not swallow any of them, they might hurt themselves by spraying some on themselves, burning their eyes or skin. 2- Pills and medicines. Bear in mind that each medication you take could be dangerous. Even supplement vitamin tablets become fatal if taken in large doses. Keep it in a safe cabinet. 3- Drugs with prescription, especially antidepressants and drugs that have a cumulative effect. Even travel medicines are hazardous. Put them all in the medicine cabinet. 4- Makeups. Put them in the medicines closet, even lotions that you use daily such as hair remover can be dangerous if swallowed. 5- Houseplants, especially Philodendron. Many garden plants can be toxic especially rue, Laurel leaf, and Ligustrum, fruits of the yew, and Alqoutisus seeds. 6- Paint and paint remover, gasoline, paraffin, metal polish lotions. Keep them all out of reach of your child and put them in the garage. Do not let him enter the workshop without your presence. 7- Keep insecticides out of reach of your child. 8- Materials for adults: cigarettes can be fatal for children; for example one cigarette would kill a child in his first year.