The baby sleeps most of day hours except for feeding times. Most children behaviors are reactions: he sucks his lips when feeling hungry, and catches a finger when his mother put it in his palm. It is not common for a child to express his feelings, but he smiles sometimes unconsciously.
What should I do to treat my child's high temperature?

You should be able to treat your child's fever at home. Here are some tips to keep your child comfortable and accelerate recovery:

 Give your child plenty of fluids to make sure that his body is fully hydrated. Try breast or formula milk feeding regularly, and additional quantities of boiled and chilled water.

 If your child is able to eat solid food, let him eat whenever he wants to. If he showed no appetite to large amount of food, offer him small amounts regularly to boost his power.

Let him rest if he wants, but he does not need to stay in bed if he preferred moving here and there.

 Dress up your child convenient clothes to keep him comfortable as possible. Do not let him feel too hot, but if dressing him less will cause him trembling, cover him with a blanket. This will be easier to remove if he began to feel too hot again. If you're not sure which one is the correct, check with your doctor.

 Give your baby paracetamol or ibuprofen if he looked uncomfortable, but do not do that unless he is three months or more, and not less than 5 kilos weight. Follow the instructions on the box or ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're not sure about what should be given to your child. Do not give him these two types of medication simultaneously. If you gave him one and did not show remarkable results, think of giving him the other medication instead. You may have heard about the link between paracetamol and infecting infants with asthma or producing a sound like whistling. Do not worry, there is no evidence that paracetamol is causing these problems. Paracetamol is safe for your child if you gave him the proper dosage.